2 Tips for Being Productive While Working From Home

 2 Tips for Being Productive While Working From Home

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to separate work and home. More than half of America’s employees now work from home at least part of the time. It’s proven to be a win-win situation, too. Workers welcome the freedom and flexibility it provides, and employers appreciate the increased productivity. Waking and working in the same space doesn’t magically make someone a better employee, however. There are certain steps that need to be followed to enhance your productivity.

Work Station

More than 40% of workers feel that having a private work station away from others is chiefly responsible for improvements in productivity. Those gains will be lost, however, if that work area is cluttered and filled with distractions. If you don’t have an actual home office, dedicate a desk or special area of the home for work activities. Keep the area tidy and make sure it is well lit. Tell children or roommates the area is off-limits during working hours. Keep the television off and limit your phone usage to business activities. It also will help to invest in equipment such as a laptop stand and desk chairs for home offices.

Regular Hours

Oftentimes, one of the benefits of working from home is determining your own schedule. That may be starting your day even earlier than if you were in the office, or waiting until after lunch to buckle down and work. Whatever timetable you select, establish regular hours and keep to them. You’ll be much more productive when sticking to a schedule. Employers and colleagues also will appreciate knowing when to expect your communications and contributions. If you need a hand with this, several time-tracking apps are available to help you monitor your work hours and ensure you are not working too much or too little.

There is a saying that a happy employee is a productive one. If working from home has made an improvement to your work life, be sure to follow these tips to increase your efficiency.

Dom Charlie

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