3 Ways To Make Public Schools Safer

 3 Ways To Make Public Schools Safer

Around the United States, public schools are increasingly facing problems with safety. From bullying, shootings and mental trauma, learning centers throughout the country are trying to deal with many problems alongside academics. As they do, parents and students are demanding leaders to make these places safer.

While there have been many ideas including armed and unarmed security guards for schools, there is no single answer to solve these problems. Instead, educational leaders need to create comprehensive solutions that include multiple safety recommendations. 

  1. Teach Kind and Appropriate Language

Words have power. This is especially true for young people in a school environment. In the classroom, it is not uncommon for peers to exchange foul language during play or joking, but educators should make a point to correct the abuse of language. When students use vulgar, racist, sexist or other harsh words, correct them with kinder suggestions. Then, remind them about appropriate language. 

  1. Set Well-Defined Policies

Setting anti-bullying policies from a leadership position can make an impact on school safety, but the true value of such efforts comes down to how well-defined policies are. For example, what does your school define as bullying? When implementing policies, is there any kind of staff training? Without clear expectations, definitions and organizational understanding, writing new policy runs the risk of creating empty words on paper.

  1. Address Cyberbullying

93% of young people in the US use the internet, and 73% of them have cell phones. With these numbers in mind, it may be no surprise why cyber threats and rumors contribute to a large number of school-related bullying incidents. As such, schools should also make it a priority to address this kind of negative behavior.


With public school safety concerns on the rise, schools can make environments safer by planning ahead and responding appropriately. Tips like these can help guide the conversation. 

Chris Jorioso

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