Best fundraising ideas 2020

Whether you pair it with a larger fundraising event or host it as a stand-alone fundraiser, a 50/50 raffle is a quick and easy way for organizations and individuals to raise money. For this fundraising idea, take into account the expected weather, sunset times, other events taking place at the campus or in the local community. In a money and date fundraiser, your nonprofit picks a day and asks supporters to donate in a sum that matches the numerical value of the fundraising date.
One of the best fundraising methods for 2020 is via brochure popcorn sales. All you need to do is simply to distribute brochures to your customers/supporters. They will then select what flavors, and how much popcorn they would like to order, and mail the brochure back to your fundraising partner company. That company will then process the orders, mail out the popcorn, and give you your % of the revenue. A great company to partner with is
When planning your fundraiser it’s very important to explore many different types of fundraising ideas to determine which fundraiser will be best suited for your local community. Farm to Table Dinners: If your community has local farmers and organic producers, hosting a farm to table fundraiser is a unique fundraising idea that speaks highly of your organization. A Do-It-Yourself fundraiser idea may consist of creating and selling unique products, organizing event fundraisers, or soliciting donations.
Moving your solicitations for donations or selling fundraising products online helps organizations branch out beyond the immediate community. Over 60% of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee daily, making a coffee fundraiser one of the best fundraising ideas around. Most organizations that come to us are looking for unique fundraising ideas that will be easy for the coordinators, participants, and supporters.
Raise money quickly and effectively with one of these top fundraising ideas that can be tailored specifically to your community. With a shoe drive fundraiser, the more shoes you collect, the more money your organization collects, so be sure to widely promote this event among your community. The biggest key to finding new supporters for your fundraiser is to ensure you have multiple people working for the crowd and talking about the work that you do. Don’t forget to have a way for people to donate easily on the spot so you don’t have to rely on them remembering to donate the next day!
This idea extends the opportunity for fundraising to not only your organization’s fundraising team but to your community as a whole—people will be much more willing to donate to a cause if their friends and loved ones have suggested it! The collected money goes to support whatever sports organization, church, school, or community group arranged the fundraiser. As a win-win scenario, this fundraising idea introduces new people to the restaurant and provides the organization or affiliation with the donations.
Fundraisers like this usually accompany other events and make a memorable day for everyone while supporting organizations important to the community. These low-effort fundraising ideas are easy to implement when you are experiencing a lull in donations! Softball – Three softball fundraising ideas to raise funds for your team or league – Softball fundraisers that produce excellent results and don’t cost a lot.
Small-Group Events – Three profitable events for small groups or schools – Events that are quick and easy – Fundraising event ideas you can do on a weekend. Masquerade Ball – Doing a nonprofit charity event like a Masquerade Ball is a fun way to raise a lot of money – How to maximize turnout and donations at your fundraising event. Looking for simple, inexpensive fundraiser ideas for the local church that has a small membership, large monthly expenses, community outreach ministries and located in the impoverished areas.
Since the best idea is often found in having a lot of them, you’ll be off to a great start with your next fundraiser with these 50 easy fundraising ideas.