Guidelines for Selecting Fonts for Print

Great design requires every element to work effectively and precisely within the graphics’ space. This is true for anything that would require custom printing San Francisco, from business cards to posters, to catalogs. It’s important to choose colors carefully and make sure all logos and shapes flow in a z-shaped pattern. Many people focus on these more complex design theories but neglect a critical element: font selection. A good font choice enhances a design, but a poor one can torpedo it. Here are some tips to picking an effective typeface.
Serif vs. San-Serif
You don’t need to be able to identify every conceivable font to make good choices about which is right for your design. But there are a few properties of the fonts that you should be able to recognize on sight. These will help you choose the right lettering style for your project. Fonts are broken into two broad categories: serif and san-serif. Serifs are little points that add a flourish at the outer edges of letters. San-serif fonts don’t have these and are usually rounder. Serif fonts are usually considered more formal and elegant, while san-serif fonts are less formal, or may connote technology.
People often try to combine different fonts so certain keywords will “pop.” While there are combinations of serif and san-serif fonts that complement each other, it’s sometimes difficult for novices to “eyeball” them objectively. A better idea is to select a different weight in the same font family to make words stand out. Examples are thin, bold, and italic.
Things to Avoid
Using more than two fonts in a piece will make it look cluttered and disorienting. Also, understand the mood of what you’re designing. Comic Sans may be fine for a child’s birthday card, but terrible for a wedding invitation.
Don’t ignore the importance of fonts in your print design. Basic knowledge of these few key principles should steer you in the right direction.