Protective Wear: The Fundamentals To Use In The Manufacturing Industry

 Protective Wear: The Fundamentals To Use In The Manufacturing Industry

We all know somebody who lost their career and furthermore, their physical strength for life due to health hazards at the workplace. Want to avoid an accident that may end up landing you in the same tragic position? Then make sure you know all the details about protective gear that is absolutely necessary for the manufacturing industry.

Life is precious and you surely would want to protect it at all costs. That’s why, protective wear matters and when the situation comes down to a life or death question, then protective wear could be the main difference. Work hazards in the manufacturing industry are common, and that’s why they always follow a strict dress code. To know more about the popular protective measures used by manufacturing industries read this guide.

Head Protection


Head hats are the most recognisable feature of construction sites and they are designed in such a way that they will protect your head from any dangerous item that might fall on you. In manufacturing industry too, the risk of heavy items slipping down isn’t out of the scene. perhaps why, you need the right head protection gear!

 Some head hats also are equipped with face shields as a form of face protection and earmuffs for ears. One should always wear a hat, which fits your head size just right, and isn’t too tight or too loose. Anything that doesn’t cater to you specifically won’t be helpful, instead, it would be uncomfortable and would rather hinder your work. Loose or too tight helmets could come with their own work hazards.

Eye and Face Protection


Safety goggles and spectacles or a face shield help in a setting where there is a risk of small particles flying around in the air. Anything that involves manufacturing wood, or metal could lead to flying debris everywhere, thus, in such a setup, eye protection is a must. Even general workers are encouraged to wear goggles while they are at work to protect their eyes. However, it is important that you choose the right eyewear. For more information, you can visit website.

Skin Protection

In a manufacturing unit, no work happens without the involvement of hands.  Sadly, research shows that almost 150,000 hand injuries are reported in surveyed manufacturing factories every year. There are many hand injuries that occur as a direct result of your occupation such as contact with dermatitis, skin cancers and cuts of all degrees. These problems have extremely high infection and fatality rate.

Treatment for skin cancer, especially Melanoma, is expensive, and even more expensive, is the post-treatment care. So, to save your health and your finances, you should always be well-equipped with the right protective gear. Some of the best personal protection with respect to skin diseases includes rubber gloves, cut protection gloves, chainsaw gloves, and heat protection gloves. One should always remember to put on their gloves before operating any toxic chemicals or sharp appliances.

Hearing protection

The noise involved with the manufacturing industries is often ignored and not treated with seriousness, but this occupational hazard can end up creating permanent or temporary hearing problems. The manufacturing industry is single-handedly responsible for hearing problems in 82% of employees, as found out by an occupational health hazard analysis.

This represents that 8 in 10 workers are being affected by the noise levels in the manufacturing industry and these high levels of noises have adverse effects like headaches, irritability, and furthermore, they could push you down the road of permanent hearing loss.

Thus, you should always ensure that you have your earplugs or earmuffs on while you’re working in a heavy noise pollution zone. We hope this article has given a much-needed insight into the needs of industrial workers. Do not underestimate the safety that your protective wear promises, make it your best friend and be safe.

Clare Louise

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