Shape and appearance of Bowie knives

 Shape and appearance of Bowie knives

The Bowie knife is considered in its shape as typical American. Similar to the Spanish folding knives, which were probably an inspiration for the Bowie knife, the most striking feature is the so-called clip-point. Here, the back of the blade dives down and forms the top. The result is a knife blade, with a small curve to the tip; you could call it a curved blade. Background of the clip point is the function to tighten the blade and to better prepare the knife for stabbing attacks.

The back of the clip point of this knife is usually not sharp. The underside of the blade for it all the more. A sharp blade is very important, especially for hunting, hiding and gutting the prey but also for killing them. The most common is stainless steel for the blade used of the knife. Stainless steel is considered to be a very durable material and, above all, free from rust, which is necessary for use in the wild or in the outdoor area. In addition, stainless steel can be better and more effectively sanded and maintained.

Also, the handle of the knife should be of high quality. If the knife is to be used for outdoor activities or hunting, a firm and handy grip is very important. It should be non-slip so that keeping the knife safe in all weather conditions and weather conditions. The handle is usually made of wood, horn, ivory or metal. Horn and ivory are today rather a rare part of the knife handle. Today’s production relies on stable wood or metal.

Before buying the best Bowie Knife, it is important to know exactly what it must have. Especially for hunting, fishing or other outdoor activities, the Bowie knife triggers the popular pocket-knife more and more often. It has a larger and sharper blade than the pocket-knife and can, therefore, be much more practical and versatile in use.

Connoisseurs and manufacturers of Bowie knives often speak of the union of several types of knives in one. With the long and wide blade, the Bowie knife serves as a hunting and combat knife. The knife blade is versatile thanks to its shape. Interested parties should, however, make sure that the name “Bowie” is not protected before purchase and because of this; many manufacturers use the name often for other types of knives.

Characteristic is the Bowie blade, which runs pointed at the front and has the clip point. A quality knife of the type Bowie must have a high-quality processed blade and a well-mounted Parier rod. Also important is the already mentioned clip-point, the typical notch at the top of the blade. Whoever observes these main features, can acquire a perfect working and leisure knife, which rightly bears the name Bowie.

Dom Charlie

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