Snowmobiles Are Fast – But How Fast Should You Drive?

The engine sizes within snowmobiles have grown larger and faster over the years with entry models hitting speeds up to 100 mph. Sport models can go up to 120 mph, and turbo-charged snowmobiles can go in excess of 200 mph. That being said, how fast is too fast?
Excessive speed is one of the most predominant causes of snowmobile accidents. That need for speed may be met, but at what cost? Here’s some advice about safety, speed and snowmobiles.
Determine Speed According to Control and Conditions
Losing control of the snowmobile is very easy to do at high speeds, especially in certain terrains with lots of people or natural features to navigate. Full blast speeds are only appropriate in wide open, empty spaces that have no potential hindrances.
However, issues like visibility and familiarity with the path should be priorities as concerns before going full throttle.
The best tip to safety is to never go faster than is appropriate for the conditions in which your machine is about to undertake.
Keep speeds reasonable enough to leave time to respond to hindrances such as animal encounters, trail barricades, terrain changes, etc. Of course, if there is a posted speed limit, those will be your max speeds to avoid legal troubles.
Snowmobiling at Any Speed is Risky—Make Note of Snowmobile Insurance Requirements
If you’re considering not carrying insurance, you are likely to regret that choice—especially if speed is your passion. Basic snowmobile insurance requirements typically call for at least liability coverage for property damage and bodily injuries to others in at-fault accidents.
Comprehensive and collision along with uninsured motorist coverages help protect your equipment and wallet after a wreck. You can even supplement policies to cover medical payments and the cost of custom parts and equipment.
Remember, speed is not necessarily your friend, as snowmobiles are considered one of the highest at-risk modes of travel for accidents and injuries.