Tips For Travertine cleaning

 Tips For Travertine cleaning

For architectural purpose Travertine tiles are best stone flooring option. This kind of tile is made of stone as hard as rock. You can say another form of limestone molded into Travertine tiles. So far cleaning and maintenance is concerned it becomes typical in case of Travertine tiles. It would be better to dry mop or wipe these tiles on regular basis. You can use warm water and mild detergent weekly to clean the tiles. It is suggested to sweep and dry mop the floor and use water weekly only. As the time passes sealant coat gets fader and floor lose the luster. So far monthly cleaning is concerned use disinfectant to avoid smell and infection. 

When you sweep the floor upper layer of dust gets removed. The challenging part is the grout lines which accumulates dirt. For cleaning grout lines make a thick paste of baking soda and water, apply the paste with soft toothbrush. Wipe the applied paste with dry towel and you will get a shiny floor. You can’t see tiny pores in the Travertine flooring which absorb water and liquid cleaners. This can lead to damage the floor and you have to face discoloration and stains. Mostly Travertine floors are light shaded and gives authentic look to your floors. To give the flooring glossy touch you can apply sealant coat more frequently. 

Travertine tiles are second and cheaper option of limestone flooring. If you keep in mind some dos and don’ts you can keep your flooring as new as you had installed. To do the travertine cleaning avoid the debris sweep immediately whenever you see dirt. At the time of installation get your flooring sealed to avoid scratching. Clean your floor on regular basis but call specialist cleaners after few months to lock the shine. There are few don’ts for Travertine flooring. Avoid vacuuming as this may cause scratching and harsh on the flooring. Never use harsh detergent and cleaners this may result discoloration. 

Maintenance of Travertine tiles is little bit challenging which costs labor. Once the surface get stain it would be hectic to remove them. You can use laundry bleach and soft sponge to clean the stain. Keep in mind to dry the floor completely otherwise moisture can result in bacterial infection for children. There are different cleaning tips for interior and exterior travertine cleaning. Interior floor faces less traffic so it is easy to keep it clean. On the other hand, common exterior flooring faces high traffic so it becomes messy to keep them clean. For interior flooring you can go for polish-finish flooring which has glossy look. For exterior flooring and walls, you can use honed-finish tiles. For honed-finish tiles use PH7 balance mild cleaner. For polish-finish tiles use phosphate free liquid soaps.

If you are going to use Travertine for your furniture it is necessary to use coaters. Some food and drinks contain acid which might be harmful for your Travertine furniture. Sometimes question arises how to check if flooring needs coating or not. Easy way to check is spill some water and if surface sucks the water think about re-sealing immediately. Have a beautiful home with Travertine flooring which belongs to limestone family.

Teresa Martinez

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