Using a resistance band for back exercises:
Travel-friendly and affordable, resistance bands are the perfect option for strengthening and stretching the muscles that cause lower back pain. A resistance band is one of the most inexpensive, convenient pieces of workout equipment you can own. They’re lightweight, versatile, and a lot less painful than a dumbbell if you happen to drop one on your foot. The beauty of banded workouts is how flexible they are: if you only have a long loop band, loop it around you twice.
Lying pullover:
The lying pullover with resistance band is a widely used resistance exercise that primarily strengthens the chest (pectoralis major) and the large wing-shaped muscles in the back (latissimus dorsi).
Here is the guideline to do lying pullover:
Anchor the tube band in a low position. Lie faceup, grabbing the free end of the round with both hands and stretching your arms straight out overhead. With elbows slightly bent, pull the band overhead, crossing your torso until the handle reaches your knees. Slowly return to the starting position. Keep it up for 8–10 reps.
Squatted Back Row:
Work both sides of your back to the maximum by doing The Squatted Back Row with resistance Bands. This exercise works the Latissimus Muscles (the ones that give you width in your back). The squatted position works well as it gives you a lower centre of gravity so that you can use more resistance without being pulled forward. Here are the steps to do squatted back row:
Secure the band to anchor at knee height. Attach each end of the band to a handle. Grip a handle in each hand and squat 3 to 4 feet from the door while facing the door. Keep your head straight and chest up. Your arms should be straight out in front of you. Pull the handles until your hands are by your chest. Return to the starting position (controlling the resistance). Repeat it for 5-10 times.
Assisted pull-ups:
Use a resistance band for pull-ups if you are not used to doing this exercise or if you want to do higher reps. You can also use it to prepare yourself for more difficult calisthenics movements like muscle-ups or front levers. Here is the guideline to do assisted pullups with resistance band:
Attach the band onto the bar by pulling one side through the other. Place a foot or knee in the pull-up band. Using the foot makes it more accessible. Complete controlled assisted pull up reps without swaying back and forth. Step out of the pull-up strap with one foot, then release the other to avoid snapbacks.
Seated row:
The seated row workout with resistance band develops the muscles of the back and the forearms. It is an excellent versatile compound exercise for developing the middle primarily back while contributing useful arm work. This exercise is one done to build strength rather than as an aerobic rowing workout. It can be used as part of an upper-body strength workout. You can do seated rows by following these simple steps.
Take a seat, but don’t get too comfy. With legs extended, place the centre of the band behind the soles of your feet. Grab the band with both hands, arms extended and palms facing each other. Sitting nice and tall, bend at your elbows and pull the band toward your core, enfolding your shoulder blades together. Slowly return to the starting position. Do 10–12 reps.
The deadlift with resistance band is a workout where you attach resistance bands to the barbell. As you pull the barbell off the floor, the bands will add resistance so that the movement is much harder at the top of the lift compared with the bottom. This will require you to produce more force than you otherwise would need to lock the weight out. This workout helps to strengthen your back muscles and core. Here I will tell you how to perform the deadlift with resistance band:
Loop each end of the band around your feet and stand in a wide stance. Squat down and grasp the band in the middle. Keeping your back slightly arched and your bum sticking out, pull the band up until you’re standing fully upright. Your back mustn’t bend forward during this exercise – be sure to keep it slightly arched throughout. Start with a light band to avoid injury.
Ready to work the upper back? Lat pulldown is the workout that is best for the muscle just under the armpits and spreading across and down the back. By separating the back muscles with this exercise, you can see emphasis exactly on them without exhausting out the biceps or triceps. It’s essential to mark your back muscles to help with proper posture and to ease pulling movements. Follow the simple steps below to perform this workout in an effective way.
Anchor the band overhead to a horizontal bar (or even a sturdy tree limb), pulling the free ends down at your sides. Kneel facing the anchor, so the band is positioned in front of you. Grip each end with arms extended overhead and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Bending your elbows, pull the band down toward the floor while contracting your back muscles. Once your hands reach your shoulders, slowly raise them back to the starting position. Do 10–12 reps.
Bent-over row;
One of the best muscle building exercises for the back and also for the shoulders. It works both areas well and has been known to improve overall strength and also build muscle. This is a compound, functional exercise, and you may use this same motion throughout the day when picking up things. Below are the steps to do this workout effectively:
Stand over the centre of the band with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend slightly at your knees and hinge at your waist, keeping hips back. Grasp the band handles with your hands facing the outsides of your knees. With elbows bent, pull the band up toward your hips, squeezing your shoulder blades together until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Lower and row for 10–12 reps.
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