Why Do You Need Radon Mitigation?

If you live in a home with high radon levels, it can prove harmful for you. Meanwhile, you should know that Columbus has elevated levels of radon above 4.0 pCi/L. In fact, there have been almost 20,000 radon-related deaths in Ohio.
Columbus, OH, has elevated levels of radon in homes because the soil contains radium and uranium, which break down to release radon. Plus, most homes in Columbus are built in such a way that radon seepage is easy and gets trapped at homes. This trapped radon can prove quite harmful to your health, so you need the services of experts offering radon mitigation in Columbus, OH.
What Is Radon?
Radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless, and comes from the soil. Generally, radon gas is released when the uranium and radium in the soil break down.
Often, when radon is released, its particles are tiny and invisible. So, it is easier for people to breathe it. However, radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer due to its radioactive nature. Further, most homes in Columbus are closed and have basements, so it’s likely this radioactive gas can accumulate in your home.
Why Use Radon Mitigation?
You might feel like radon is in nature and may not be harmful; however, that is a myth. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Radon levels above 4 pCi/L of air can be hazardous.
You might wonder how natural gas can prove this toxic. But here are some health effects of radon exposure:
- Breathing radon can affect your lung’s lining.
- Known to cause lung cancer.
- It can cause childhood leukemia.
- Radon poisoning can cause breathlessness.
- It can cause wheezing.
- You might start coughing up blood after prolonged exposure to radon.
Moreover, if you have been exposed to too much radon and have started experiencing the symptoms, there is no way to clear it out of your body. And unfortunately, there are no tests to check if you have been exposed to radon. This is why radon mitigation is vital for your well-being.
What Does Radon Mitigation Involve?
It might be a good idea for you to understand what radon mitigation involves so that you get it done at your Columbus, OH home.
Radon mitigation usually involves installing radon mitigation systems. Such systems help in reducing the radon concentration in buildings, and they ensure that the radon levels are reduced to below 4 pCi/Lin the air. So, depending on your home type, the radon mitigation services will install a system that uses a fan to pull air from the soil and exhaust it outdoors through a pipe.
Radon is a colorless, odorless, and radioactive gas present in the soil. Unfortunately, if your home is exposed to more than 4 pCi/L of radon, you can face radon poisoning that can lead to lung cancer. Plus, your Columbus, OH homes are prone to radon poisoning due to the soil’s excessive uranium and radium content.
Further, you need the services of experts offering to do radon mitigation in Columbus, OH, to ensure you have breathable air. You can install radon mitigation systems to remove the radon from your home. So, if you face high radon levels at your home, ensure you install a radon mitigation system to keep your family safe.