Will Your Teen Be a Good Driver When the Time Comes?

If the time is nearing for your teenager to want to learn how to drive, are you confident they will be a safe driver?

For some parents, the fear is that they will have a teenager who does not take driving in a serious manner. As a result, it could lead to an accident. As some parents know, getting word their child has been in an accident can be one of the most frightening things.

So, what measures can you take to better ensure your teen will be a good driver?

Teaching Them Responsibility from Day One

As your teen looks to begin driving, remember a few key things:

  1. Responsibility – It is critical your teen realize how big responsibility is when driving. While a teen can make mistakes in school and often get a second chance, a driving mistake can be fatal. He or she has to remember that driving is a privilege. As such, they can’t be messing around when out on the roads.
  2. Vehicle – What vehicle will your teenager be driving? If you are considering buying one for them, there’s a good chance it may be used. Unless you can afford something brand new, you are likely going to opt for a used car or truck. In doing so, be sure to research the used vehicles out there. You can go on the Internet and use different resources to help you narrow down the best choices. Once your teen has a vehicle, make sure he or she takes good care of it. Proper vehicle maintenance goes a long way in keeping them safer when out driving.
  3. Accident – If your teen is unfortunate to be in an accident, their personal safety is of course the key thing. That said they also need to record as many facts as possible. If they are in a hit-and-run, see if they can provide you and law enforcement with key info on the incident. Such accidents can be some of the scariest ones on the road. They happen so fast and there is little time to process what took place. Any evidence such as what your teen saw, eyewitnesses, video and more can lead to a break in the case.
  4. Distractions – It is quite crucial that your teen avoid distractions when out on the roads. The most obvious would be using their cell phones while driving. Texting or making or taking calls may not seem like a big deal to them. That said it only takes seconds for an accident to occur. Remind your teen that using their phones should only be done when safely off the roads. If there is an emergency, they should pull to the side of the road as soon as possible to use their phones to call for help.
  5. Alcohol – Last, there can be a lot of peer pressure on teens to drink. What makes it worse is if they drink and drive. So, drill into your teen’s head that alcohol is never a good idea, especially when they are going to be out on the roads.

Being a teen driver means a lot of opportunities and even some fun.

That said it also means being responsible and coming home safe and sound each day.

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