SYNRenew: A Natural Alternative to Grass

Nowadays, artificial turf is everywhere. We find it in sports fields, playgrounds, and increasingly in yards and even rooftops. And even though we see it all around us, would you ever consider artificial turf to be “natural?”  How about “environmentally friendly?”

After all, there’s a reason why its original developers called it ‘artificial.’  It was initially made out of polypropylene and used first in places like the Houston Astrodome in 1966. What’s lesser-known is that turf has changed quite a bit over the years.

Believe it or not, there is now a form of artificial grass that is composed totally of natural ingredients. It’s called SYNRenew, and if you read on, you may find it’s the best choice for your lawn, both for appearance and the environment.

Natural Plant-based Ingredients

Yes, the term “environmentally sustainable artificial turf” may at first sound like a contradiction. We assure you it’s not. SYNRenew is manufactured entirely with plant-based materials yet is as green as older, less-natural turf.

Beginning with SYNLawn’s EnviroLoc BioCel technology, 60% of the petroleum in the manufacturing process gets replaced by soybeans. The grass blades themselves are made out of sugarcane (ethanol). SYNRenew comes in green, lime, and olive colors making it hard to distinguish from natural grass. And it’s both very soft to the touch and resistant to wear.

Environmentally Sustainable

As we all know, greenhouse gas emissions have risen sharply over the past century. Some climate experts predict disastrous consequences. Sugarcane, used in place of fossil fuel, has the power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 71%. Therefore, when you buy products that use it, you aid in the worldwide effort to stop climate change.

Also, consider that traditional grass requires the burning of fossil fuel to be maintained. Chances are, your landscaper uses gasoline and don’t ask what’s in most lawn chemicals. Using an artificial turf, like SYNRenew, gives you a lawn with a natural look and feel without the exhaust fumes. How’s that for “going green?”

Where To Use SYNLawn

SYNLawn is ideal for anywhere on the lawn that receives medium to light foot traffic. For many homes, this means the front lawn. What’s nice is, given your front yard is usually what your home presents to the world, SYNLawn can ensure it stays green year-round.

Other great locations include anywhere it’s difficult to grow grass like areas that collect water or are overly shady. No longer will you be at the mercy of Mother Nature when it comes to having a lush lawn. People have even used SYNRenew on pool decks and in larger landscaped areas.

Looking to the Future

Today, just because artificial turf is not grown doesn’t mean it has to be unnatural. We’ve come a long way from fake grass spread out in sports domes. With SYNRenew, your yard can both look and be natural, all while helping the environment.

For your next lawn, playground, or golf course project, be sure to check with SYNLawn of Dallas. Your greener future awaits!

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